
New Jersey: After Hours Medical Marijuana May Have to be Accommodated


All Employers with NJ Employees


March 10, 2020


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A recent New Jersey Supreme Court case said that employers could face a disability discrimination claim if they fail to consider reasonable accommodations for medical marijuana use, even outside the workplace and after working hours.  Although the state’s Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act (CUMMA) does not require employers to accommodate marijuana use in the workplace, the court indicated that CUMMA does not protect an employer from actions that violate the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) – such as discriminating against someone for using medical marijuana after hours.

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April Updates






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This Short List addresses the following topics:
  1. IRS Issues HSA-Compatible High Deductible Health Plan Guidance in Response to COVID-19
  2. San Francisco, CA: New Minimum Compensation Ordinance Rates Effective July 1
  3. New Jersey: Enforcement Guidance Released on Statewide Equal Pay Act
  4. New York: Workers on Strike Can File for Unemployment After Just Two Weeks
  5. Pittsburgh, PA: Revised Guidelines for Local Paid Sick Leave Available
  6. Utah: Private Employers Need Not Accommodate Medical Marijuana
  7. Virginia: Hairstyle, Type and Texture Protected from Racial Discrimination

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New Jersey: State WARN Act Rules Expanded For Mass Layoffs


Employers with 100+ NJ Employees


July 19, 2020


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With COVID-19 sweeping the country and the world, businesses may suffer. For New Jersey employers with 100 or more employees, the rules for large reductions in force just got more strict. SB 3170 makes the following significant changes to the Millville Dallas Airmotive Plant Job Loss Notification Act (NJ WARN Act):

  • The rules apply to employers with 100+ employees, regardless of full-time status or seniority.
  • The rules apply to termination of 50+ employees, regardless of full-time status, seniority, or location within the state.
  • Employers must provide 90 days’ advance notice to employees.
  • If the required advance notice is given, employers must pay terminated employees one week of severance pay for each year of employment. If the required advance notice is not given, employers must pay an additional four weeks of severance.
  • Employees can’t waive their right to severance without court or state agency approval. If employers are seeking a release of claims in exchange for severance, they will need to offer more consideration than what is already required under the NJ WARN Act.

Employers should be evaluating their finances for compliance with the NJ WARN Act if they suspect a need to conduct a reduction in force.

Action Items

  1. Review the text of the bill here.
  2. Review any potential reduction in force early with legal counsel.
  3. Subscribers can call our HR On-Call Hotline at (888) 378-2456 for further assistance.

Disclaimer: This document is designed to provide general information and guidance concerning employment-related issues. It is presented with the understanding that ManagEase is not engaged in rendering any legal opinions. If a legal opinion is needed, please contact the services of your own legal adviser.

© 2020 ManagEase

New Jersey: New Employer Rules and Penalties for Employee Misclassification


All Employers with NJ Employees


As Indicated


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New Jersey recently enacted several new laws to combat misclassification of independent contractors. Key points are summarized below.

  • JAN 20, 2020 | A5838 allows the Labor Commissioner to issue a stop-work order to any business in violation of wage, benefit, or tax laws. Following seven days’ advance notice, affected worksites will be required to close until the Commissioner releases them. Violation of the order can result in an additional $5,000 penalty per day.
  • JAN 20, 2020 | A5839 increases penalties for misclassification of employees as independent contractors. Now, the Labor Commissioner can assess up to $250 per misclassified employee as an “administrative misclassification penalty” for first time violations, and up to $1,000 per employee for subsequent violations, in addition to other statutory penalties. Employers may also have to pay a fine of up to 5 percent of the worker’s gross earnings over the most recent 12 months to benefit misclassified workers, which could either be held in trust by the Commissioner or paid directly to the worker.

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New Jersey: Wage Statement Requirements Amended


All Employers with 10+ NJ Employees


May 20, 2020


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Senate Bill 1791 amends the Wage Payment Law (WPL) to require employers of New Jersey employees to provide additional information on wage statements. Where the WPL previously required employers to provide a statement of deductions only, the amended law requires private and public employers of more than ten employees to include the following information on wage statements:

  • Rate of pay
  • Gross wages
  • Net wages
  • Number of hours worked during the pay period (if relevant to wage calculation)

Wage statements may be distributed electronically, unless an employee requests to receive their wage statements on paper.

Action Items

  1. Review wage statements provided to employees to ensure the required information is included.
  2. Subscribers can call our HR On-Call Hotline at (888) 378-2456 for further assistance.

Disclaimer: This document is designed to provide general information and guidance concerning employment-related issues. It is presented with the understanding that ManagEase is not engaged in rendering any legal opinions. If a legal opinion is needed, please contact the services of your own legal adviser.

© 2020 ManagEase

New Jersey: Job-Protected Organ and Bone Marrow Donor Leave Coming Soon


All Employers with NJ Employees


May 20, 2020


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New Jersey’s Temporary Disability Benefits Law (TDBL) has been amended to provide employees who are disabled as a result of donating organs or bone marrow with job-protected leave. This amendment provides specific benefits for organ and bone marrow donors that do not apply to other TDB recipients.

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New Jersey: Final Regulations for Statewide Paid Sick Leave Now Available


All Employers with NJ Employees


January 6, 2020


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The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development recently released a 53-page document providing final regulations and enforcement guidance on the statewide Earned Sick Leave Law (ESLL).  The final regulations do not make any substantive changes to the ESLL, but rather provide responses and clarification to concerns expressed during the public comment period of the proposed regulations.

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February Updates






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This Short List addresses the following topics:
  1. IRS Mileage Rates for 2020
  2. Fair Chance Act Now Applies to Federal Contractors and Agencies
  3. ACA “Cadillac Tax” Repealed
  4. California: Employer Fails to Provide Legal Business Name on Wage Statement
  5. Michigan: Paid Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Update
  6. New Jersey: Medical Marijuana is a Reimbursable Medical Expense
  7. New York: Tipped Workers in Some Industries Must Soon be Paid Full Minimum Wage
  8. New York: Companies Must Report Number of Women on Boards of Directors
  9. New York: Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act on Temporary Hold

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Third Circuit: Third Party Bonuses May Be Factored into the Regular Rate


All Employers with DE, NJ, and PA Employees


August 20, 2019


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In Department of Labor v. Bristol Excavating, Inc., the Third Circuit Court of Appeal stated that third-party bonuses may be required to be factored in the regular hourly rate for purposes of calculating overtime. The court said that the determinative factor is the agreement of “remuneration for employment” between the employer and employee, which must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

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New Jersey: Statewide Salary History Inquiry Ban Implemented, with a Few Twists


All Employers with NJ Employees


January 1, 2020


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Like Illinois, New Jersey recently jumped into the pool of states implementing legislation banning salary history inquiries.  Beginning January 1, 2020, Bill A1094 will prohibit employers from inquiring into an applicant’s prior salary history (including wages, salary, or benefits), or screen applicants for a job based on a minimum or maximum salary threshold, except under certain circumstances.

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